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Multimedia & Image Mgmt Techniques

August 09, 2021


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Sequoyah High School

Course Syllabus

Multimedia & Image Management Techniques (OCAS 8150) (OK PROMISE APPROVED)


Instructor:  Lorrie McGlothlin                       Email: lorrie.mcglothlin@sequoyaheagles.net


Class Website:  http://www.sequoyaheagles.net


Career Cluster/Pathway:  Information technology/Web & Digital Communications



Fundamentals of Technology



Adobe Photoshop CC Revealed

Adobe Illustrator CC Revealed

Adobe Premiere Pro



Students will acquire fundamental skills in image creation and management procedures and techniques as they create, revise, optimize, and export graphics for video, print, and web publishing.



The class will be taught through lecture, demonstrations, hands-on lab activities, projects and internet exploration. We will begin each new unit with a presentation.  Students are encouraged to ask questions during the presentation time and to help each other during the lesson. Students will be required to develop and use problem solving techniques to resolve issues and complete assignments. A combination of textbooks, the internet and videos will be used during the lessons.



Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


  • Identify differences in platforms, browsers, display settings, etc., and related issues.
  • Use scanning software and devices to properly scan reflective and transparent mediums.
  • Demonstrate basic design procedures using photo-editing software that include photo enhancement, correction, restoration, and manipulation.
  • Understand and employ design and color principles while creating visually appealing graphic images.
  • Manipulate, troubleshoot, compress, publish and export graphics and/or animations.
  • Apply appropriate techniques for web and print publishing.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity in communicating with a diverse workforce.
  • Understand legal and ethical issues in the IT field.
  • Prepare visual design specifications and evaluate visual appeal.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the use of digital imaging techniques and equipment.
  • Select and utilize appropriate software and hardware tools.
  • Produce or acquire graphics, animation, audio, and/or video content.
  • If using Adobe Photoshop for image editing, apply the following features appropriately:  color, efficiency and automation, file management, filters and effects, image properties, layers, masks and channels, text tools, and user interface.
  • If using Adobe Illustrator for vector graphics, apply the following software features appropriately:  automation and customization, compiling objects, interaction with web and other applications, type tools, color, objects and shapes, interface, and enhancing artwork.
  • Create and manipulate original digital images using the features of vector graphics software.





Accessing grades--current student grades can be found on the district website at www.sequoyaheagles.net. You will need your own user name and password.


            Soft Skills                        25%                             Grades           A          90 - 100

            Daily Work Projects      50%                                                     B          80 - 89

            Evaluation                      25%                                                     C          70 - 79

                                                                                                                 D          60 – 69


SOFT SKILLS                                                                                                                             25%



The leadership development contract is to improve the student’s leadership skills. The contract is worth up to 200 points for each semester. The student must complete enough contract items to earn the 200 points. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in the contract at the beginning of class on the date due for grading. If you are not at school on the due date, do not expect the teacher to dig in the file cabinet to find your contract and tally up your points for you. Failing to turn in the contract will result in zero points for the leadership contract and can drop your semester grade substantially!



It is the responsibility of the student to attend all classes and to be on time. If a student misses class it is the student's responsibility to check Google Classroom for any assignments they may have missed. Being absent is not an excuse for failing to turn in something that is due or for not taking a quiz or test. It is the student's responsibility to make up missed work and come in outside of class to get caught up. The lab is open from 8:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Students that miss for school activities should have the work made up BEFORE the activity, per the student handbook.



It is your responsibility to keep your work station neat and clean. Remember that you are not the only person that sits there. There are at least five other people who will sit at your work station each day. Show respect for your classmates and throw away any trash.  For your

protection clean and sanitize the computers and workstations when you arrive and again before you leave each day.



You will have a folder with your name on it.  This folder is to be kept in the classroom at all times. The folder is to be stored in the black filing cabinet located by the door. Your folder will be filed alphabetically in the section labeled for your class. All folders will be in alphabetic order. Please make sure they stay that way.  All printouts of tests and quizzes need to be kept in your folder. Do not throw any graded work away. This is your proof in the event of a grade discrepancy. Your work folder is NEVER to leave the classroom.



All textbooks are to remain in the classroom. We do not have extra books, so if you take a book with you the next person does not have a book to use. Please use the textbook assigned to your work station. They are numbered and you are responsible for it, so do not swap books with anyone. It could have unfortunate consequences for you.



DAILY WORK AND PROJECTS                                                                                    50%

Students will typically be given a week to complete chapter assignments. Projects will be assigned during the semester as well. All class assignments and due dates will be posted on Google Classroom as well as on the school website. Please check Google Classroom and the school website frequently as due dates may change. All assignments will be completed in class by the student. All assignments will be due at the end of your class period on the day listed. Late work will not be accepted.



Most, if not all work will be graded virtually (on screen or via Google Classroom). Upon completion of an assignment, please notify the instructor.


EVALUATION                                                                                                              25%

There will be a test after each chapter or section covered. There will be a list of terms to be learned that are relevant to the information being covered. At the end of the unit, students will take a competency test. Students will be given multiple opportunities to pass the competency test. Multimedia students are required to pass one of the following SHL Talent Central tests.


Adobe Photoshop (0281)                      

Adobe Illustrator (0283)             Presentation Skills (961)


Electronic Devices Policy

Cellular phones and similar devices are allowed for learning activities only! All cell phones are to be dropped off at “cell phone daycare” upon entering the classroom. Attendance will be taken this way!  Any phone seen outside of the daycare pouches will be confiscated and taken to the office. This policy will be strictly enforced in the classroom! In the event you need to have your cell phone with you, please make sure and get permission from the teacher first!


Cheating Policy

Students are expected to uphold the school's standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work, tests, reports and projects must be that of the student's own work. Students shall be guilty of violating the honor code if they:


  1. Represent the work of others as his or her own.
  2. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.
  3. Give unauthorized assistance to other students.
  4. Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit.
  5. Misrepresent the content of submitted work (a.k.a. violate copyright laws).


The penalty for violating the honor code is severe. Any student violating the honor code will receive a failing grade for the assignment and may receive a Discipline Referral. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute an honor code violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation.


In Multimedia, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussion of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments and tasks. There will be times when students may work together on graded assignments. Such collaboration allows the student to develop team building skills which are beneficial in the work place.


Three before Me Procedure

To encourage problem solving and teamwork in class this procedure is used.




  1. Read the directions, and then reread the directions.
  2. Look in the book; check the practices, handouts, notes and help section.
  3. Ask two neighbors for help.


If none of these options work, then the instructor will explain the concept to the group. Usually, the problem can be solved before the instructor gets involved. This helps build confidence and gives students a sense of pride and accomplishment. In the real world, employees that cannot problem solve have difficulty staying employed.